The Barton Kids

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bounce, Bounce, Bounce......

Tiana was a bouncing little Baby Barton today. A co-worker gave me a jumper similar to this one for Tiana to use. We hooked it up and Tiana was having a blast. Her little feet looked like the little penguin on 'Happy Feet'. She is so cute! And so much fun!

Tiana's Tights

A couple of weeks ago, my mom, the baby and I were at Panera Bread and we ran into a lady who had a 10 month old wearing what we thought we adorable little shoes. We got to talking to her and found out that they were actually socks that look like shoes! They were so cute that my mom decided she was on the hunt for them. Well, lots of money and adorable socks later (I'll post some pix of the socks soon), my mom also found some Minnie Mouse tights for Tiana. Here are a couple of pictures of her wearing them. Aren't they adorable!?! So, not only do they have the 'shoes' built right in but there is a Minnie Mouse on the outside of each ankle. Needless to say, Grammy had a blast dressing her today and everyone loved her outfit! :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Ok, so I owe everyone an apology...I haven't been doing as good of a job as I had hoped in keeping up with this blog but, in my own defense, I am a little busy. Just a little. Since my last post, we've moved, started school & work, are quite involved in all of our sports, bowling club, running club, working at the school post office, and trying to unpack and organize AND keep up with daily life. I tried to get on here the other night to post some pix and my computer is acting up so I'm having a tough time. Once I figure it out (or throw the computer out the window), I will post some new pictures.

Tiana is amazing. I am so in love with her and the boys are so good with her, we are truly blessed to have her in our lives! She has changed so much over the last 7 months! She is so much fun and is really coming into her own. The boys have this ability to make her laugh and laugh. It is so great to listen to! Music to our ears. :)

She started eating solids a couple of months ago and it has been a lot of fun seeing her reaction to various foods. Her favorites so far are sweet potatoes and prunes. On September 21st, her two bottom teeth came in and we recently gave her Cheerios and Vanilla Teething Biscuits. She loves gumming them and making a HUGE mess with the teething biscuits. She has also decided that she's done with the rolling over deal, she's moved on to rocking up on her hands and knees. Tonight she got one of her knees to move but hasn't quite figured out how to get her arms to go yet. It's so incredible to watch her think and try to figure things out. She seems to be growing up so much faster than the boys, I want her to slow down a little.

Friday, August 8, 2008

OMG.....IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!

On February 27th, 2008, Tiana made her grand debut at 6:29 pm. She weighed in at 7 lbs, 10 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. (Not bad for being two days overdue.) She is a healthy baby and we have all been taking the last 5 months adjusting to our already chaotic lives. She is such a blessing, I can't believe I have a baby?! I can't believe she's a GIRL!!!!! I spent the first few weeks staring at her in amazement and I kept saying, "Oh my God, you're a girl! How did that happen? You're a girl! I can't believe you're a girl!" I would call my mom and say, "It's a girl, can you believe I have a girl?" Even now, 5 months later I am still awed by the fact that she is a girl and she is mine/ours! The boys have been absolutely wonderful with her and Daddy is tickled pink! :)

Speaking of pink, it has been so much fun shopping in the girl sections of all of the stores. My mom and I have been having a blast. (Josh has even gotten in on picking out a few outfits for his baby sister. Just don't tell anyone.) Scott tells everyone that my mom's credit card companies have been sending her thank you cards for spending so much money on the baby. :) For the first time in my life, I get to play dress up with a real baby girl and I am absolutely LOVING it! My mom keeps teasing me saying that for someone who didn't really enjoy playing with dolls, I am having way too much fun. I have to agree with that, I am having way too much fun. Thank God for this little miracle!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

It's a balloon, it's the moon....

No, it's my belly! And I have toes below my belly! This is not me, but it's similar to what I see (or don't see) when I look down. I wonder if my toes are connected to my feet? Of course they aren't, I no longer have feet, they're connected to my cankles!

Nap time!

Marlin & Cinnamon love sleeping in the Baby's crib. They are so cute! :) Some people stress out about cat's sleeping with babies because they think that cat's suck the breath out of them (old wive's tale), they really don't. My baby is obviously not in this pix because it has decided that it is not quite time yet. (My due date was yesterday.) My cat's always sleep at my baby's feet, never by their heads. Aside from that, they usually prefer to be in there alone, without the baby, because they are the babies. :)

Who me?

If you're looking for me, I'll be in here. (Cinnamon in the Baby's crib.)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oh My Swollen Feet!

First off, this is NOT a picture of my foot. Most of you can attest to the fact that my feet are much cuter than this, at least on a regular basis, however, the swollen ankles on this poor lady's feet is what mine happen to look like at the moment. Isn't it lovely?! I guess I have to resign myself to cankles until sometime after delivery.
I had an OB appt today and everything still looks good. So, even though my ankles are MIA, my blood pressure is normal and that's a good sign. Baby was very active in my belly today and I was even having some Braxton-Hicks contractions. Only 11 days to go and baby did a good job waiting it out through Joshua's birthday (yesterday) and Valentine's Day. I really didn't want to go on either two of those days and it looks like we're in the clear. Good job Baby B! Now I just have to hope that Baby decides to show up on a day that my midwife is on call. Keep your fingers crossed for us. :)

February 5, 2008

Ok, here it is. Probably my last ultrasound before baby decides to make it's big debut! It's from last week. I was 37 weeks, 2 days at the time. The top picture is 3D and the baby's face is tilted to the left (as you are looking at it). You can see it's eyes, Emery nose (though this pix doesn't do it justice), and little mouth.
The bottom picture is a regular ultrasound picture and the baby's head is to the right. It is looking right at you! So far everything is looking good!

January 25, 2008

We were at Walmart in Hudson tonight and Jason was very excited because he blew his first bubble with bubble gum! Big doings! :) Go Jason!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Baby B's In Utero Debut

Ok, I know y'all have been dying to see these pix of Baby Barton. I will do my best to explain and hope you see what I see. The first pix, taken at 12 weeks, 5 days gestation, is baby laying on it's back with it's right side toward you. The little white spot above it's belly is it's fist.

The second pix is baby looking right at the 'camera'. It's head is to the left and you can see where the eyes are. The boys kept saying we were having an alien. :) This was taken at 17 weeks, 5 days gestation.

Pix #3 is a 3D ultrasound taken at 18 weeks, 3 days. Amazing that you can see all of that! I didn't have any 3D ultrasound pix with the boys, I don't even know if they had them. The baby's right side/front is toward you so you can get a pretty good view of it's face and little Emery nose. It's left arm and hand are stretching out in front of it's body.

Pix #4 is the baby playing with it's foot. It's foot is on the right and it's hand is grabbing it's toes on the left side of the pix. This was taken at 28 weeks, 2 days.

Pix #5, taken at 32 weeks, 5 days gestation. The baby's forehead is on the right side of the pix and you can see the eyes, nose and mouth. On the top left is it's arm, it had been covering it's face with it's hand and forearm, kind of like the way my mom and I sleep. We lucked out as babe had just pulled it's arm away when this one was taken. Baby is starting to get squished in there so the pix are starting to get more fuzzy.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Busy Weekend

We started off our busy weekend at Joshua's MLK Hockey Tournament in Hudson. His first game was on Thursday night. He then had a game on Friday night, two games on Saturday, and one on Sunday. The kids had a great time and played really well. On Saturday, Joshua had two assists and ended up earning Player of the Game! We were very excited and of course very proud! When it was all said and done, they ended up coming in second place. Fortunately for us, all of the games were at our home rink in Hudson.

In between living at the rink this weekend, Jason started indoor soccer. For those of you that don't know, indoor soccer is inside an enclosed area with plexiglass around the side so that spectators can watch. It is also a lot faster paced than outdoor soccer. Here are some great pix of Jason at his first indoor soccer game. They are a little dark because I couldn't use my flash due to the fact that it would've reflected off of the plexiglass. There were about three kids from his travel team in the fall, other than that, it was the first time the rest of the kids had played together. Jason usually plays defense and goalie. He did a fantastic job and was disappointed at his team's loss.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Barton Family

Hey y'all! We are the Barton's. I finally decided to join my sister-in-law's bandwagon and create a blog. Though I am a bit scared, I'm giving it a shot. My sister-in-law is MUCH more creative than I am so, for those of you that know my favorite s-i-l, (otherwise known as my sister), I promise you I am not trying to out do her. It just can't be done, not with all of her creativity. :) I can't believe I actually got these pictures on here! Amazing! I'm so impressed with myself! :)

The first picture is the four of us in Florida in April 2006 for Eric & Becky's wedding. I think we were at MGM. For those that know me well, Coca-Cola is my favorite so we took advantage of the props and had someone take our pix.

The next picture is from this past June 2007, here we are at Jason's Kindergarten Graduation. It was a very big day for us. Very sad for me as my baby is growing up! Jason did a great job performing all his songs and we were very proud!

The last picture is of Joshua & Jason at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. We were there in October for Joshua's 1st Official Hockey Tournament with the Cyclones. Joshua played really well and we are very proud of our future NHL player.

So, there you have us, a little introduction and pix update because I know that none of you have seen any of these pix yet. Hope you enjoy. Anyway, I can't make any promises but I will do my best to keep up with this so we can help everyone keep tabs on our busy lives. Wish me luck!